Fort Bend County Shoplifting Lawyer
Shoplifting Charges in Fort Bend County
One of the most common theft offenses is shoplifting. Based upon the value of the items, your criminal record and other facts, a conviction can lead to very serious consequences, affecting you for the rest of your life. Lawmakers in Texas have allowed for harsh penalties to be imposed in theft crimes, including the crime of shoplifting. If you are accused of committing this crime, it is imperative that you seek legal representation at once. By retaining a Fort Bend County shoplifting defense attorney from our firm, Rosen & Kovach, PLLC, you will be getting the services of a lawyer who is certified as a specialist in criminal law. With 40 years of experience in criminal defense, we have the skills and insight that could help you avoid the heavy consequences of a conviction.
Shoplifting Defense Options
If you are convicted, you could face punishments such as fines, community service or jail time. In the State of Texas there are also civil penalties for shoplifting that can be brought against you by a retailer, separate from the criminal case. Under the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code Section 134.005, a retailer has the right to pursue damages resulting from a shoplifting theft, including actual damages, court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. This statute gives large retailers the ability to sue a shoplifter for civil damages up to $1,000, or sue the parents of a minor shoplifter for up to $5,000. Ignoring civil charges could mean having a default judgment against you, which can affect your credit score and affect the title of your property.
The extra complication of having criminal charges and civil charges in a shoplifting case requires skilled assistance from a criminal attorney with vast knowledge of the criminal and civil justice systems. Without experienced legal representation, you could suffer heavy consequences.
When you are facing shoplifting charges, don't hesitate to contact us so that I can provide you with legal representation you can trust to do everything possible for you.
"John made things happen!"John Kovach represented me in two cases in which both were dismissed and jail time was avoided.
- Katelyn

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